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Akyem Abuakwa sits on time bomb due to chieftaincy disputes.

There was wild jubilation in many communities in Akyem  which are experiencing chieftaincy disputes due to the incessant unlawful enstoolments and destoolments of chiefs by the Okyenhene; Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin Ii, Kyebi Executive Council  and Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council .

 The reason being the quashing of
destoolment of the Akyem Hemanhene; Osabarima Prof. Mmirikisi Atta Apori  Ii who has dedicated his life to fighting against environmental degradation in his area in particular and Ghana in general by a Koforidua High Court. Many of the litigating parties in over forty communities who as a result of lack of money to further pursue petitions they lodged before the Judicial Councils of the Akyem Abuakwa. Eastern Regional, National Houses of Chiefs and the traditional courts praised the Hemanhene for good work done.

They did not have money to pursue their cases at the courts but the outcome of the Hemang case will send a signal to the rulers that all is not well with the traditional rulership of Akyem Abuakwa and if the government will not intervene GOD HIMSELF will come to their aid. Despite the shouting at roof tops there is no justice in the traditional administration for one person had taken the law into his own hands under the cloak of being the custodian  of all lands in the area. Akyems by nature are peaceful, .law abiding  and constitutionalists or the area would have seen a lot of unrests. Illegal mining.

Illega lumbering and environmental degradation are the order of the day. Sometines land owners and crop growers receive no compensation while some chiefs receive compensation for claiming ownership of the lands in their capacity as traditional rulers which is unfair.

Akyem Abuakwa sits on time bomb due to chieftaincy disputes. Over forty eight (48) towns and villages have two chiefs each and even  more due to fanning of chieftaincy  disputes by the Traditional Council. Places such as Asamankese. Anyinam. Apapam. Maase. Asafo. Maase. Kade. Adiembra. Abesim. Nkwantanan. Osino. Nsutam. Asiakwa. Kwaben. Mmuoso Ankaase are among towns engulfed in chieftaincy disputes as a result  of the injustices perpetrated by one fallible human being who wants his will to be done at all cost.  This state of affairs had created  a lot of divisions in the communities. Some residents in  some settlements can even not work on their farms fearing violent attacks by opponents, the cause being that those in authority who should be fair in dispensing justice take sides in settling chieftaincy disputes. Residents are grateful to the Akyem Hemanhene for his fortitude and the people of Hemang for standing firm behind their Chief. The government should not ignore the calls  of the prople  to intervene against injustices being perpetrated against majority of the people of  Akyem Abuakwa Area.
Issued by The Anti Sycophancy Forum, Ghana


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